Diverse Candidate Search

elevink offers creative ways to source, attract and recruit diverse talent

We provide our customers with the customized, scalable and culture-centric solutions needed to drive business results.

Our targeted solutions can help reduce your hiring and recruiting expenses*, improve the posting to hiring conversion rate, and increase your job acceptance and retention of diversity talent.

*A study by the Society for Human Resource Management states that the average cost to hire an employee is $4,129, with around 42 days to fill a position. According to Glassdoor, the average company in the United States spends about $4,000 to hire a new employee, taking up to 52 days to fill a position. (May 22, 2018).

elevUp – upskill/train candidates on skills and competencies that matter to hiring managers

Train candidates on soft skills, interviewing skills, and awareness.

Cohort creates a sense of community and increases job acceptance rate

elevink’s ecosystem creates a sense of community, offers additional training, and a mentoring program that will increase your company’s retention rate

elevink would conduct a warm transition and leverage your Employee Resource groups, safeguarding your new diverse talent feels welcomed and supported

Contact us at info@elevink.com